
Weifang Hai Weier successfully passed the BV certification

Column:Company News Time:2021-02-01
?Nearly 1 month before and after entering the time, BV company has twice to my factory field inspection machinery and equipment and plant personnel, etc., and the field camera and video shooting. Now finally verified, got BV certificate.

Nearly 1 month before and after entering the time, BV company has twice to my factory field inspection machinery and equipment and plant personnel, etc., and the field camera and video shooting. Now finally verified, got BV certificate.

贞丰县| 安达市| 静乐县| 榆社县| 龙里县| 东港市| 铅山县| 沅陵县| 马公市| 威海市| 城口县| 罗定市| 无为县| 肇庆市| 安远县| 余姚市| 伽师县| 石首市| 台湾省| 封丘县| 阳原县| 分宜县| 吉木萨尔县| 道孚县| 偏关县| 繁昌县| 水城县| 托里县| 浮山县| 云和县| 封开县| 九寨沟县| 镇宁| 哈巴河县| 深水埗区| 家居| 新营市| 高雄市| 秦安县| 新宁县| 沙洋县|